List of Things to DO

1:47 PM 1 Comments A+ a-

I have decided that before I start any new projects I have to finish the old ones first. All of them. This is going to take a long time.


-Kim's Shawl. I should have been done this ages ago, but I will finish it tonight, if it has finally dried.

-Vest for me. I should not have started this. I just need to block it though, and then it'll be done.

-Fiz plushie. It's still sitting on top of my bookshelf, stuck through with pins. It too is almost complete.

-Pillow covers. I made one of six, but it's too big so I've got to take in the seams a bit.

-Little clay things of the Pets. I've bought the clay.

-My cloak. I have yet to hem the end of it and it is over five years old now.

We'll see if I I can stick to my plan or not. I have a feeling I'm leaving something out.

I'm feeling ambitious, so maybe I'll be able to finish more than one today.