Recent craftiness

9:22 PM 2 Comments A+ a-

For the first weekend (not including my christmas vacation) since class started, I haven't had to work. It's weird. I have nothing to do because it's too early in the term for homework. So all I've done today is finish reading a book and some shopping. I didn't really buy anything either, just some thread to sew up Fiz.

Ken bought me a sewing machine for Christmas. I've wanted to make so many things, but I can't seem to find the right fabrics for the rights prices. Oh well. I guess I'll keep looking. Thus far I have made most of a Fiz, and I worked a prototype for a bag. It turned out okay even though I made it wrong and just eyeballed the cutting. It's way more fun to experiment than to follow a pattern. Well, sometimes anyway. So here is a photo of the as-yet unfinished Fiz.

I've also been working on binding a journal for the past... 6 months or so. I wanted to do a fabric cover for it and was procrastinating hand-sewing it. It's not done yet either, but here are some pics:

the front (I'm embroidering plant type things on the cover. I'll probably be doing something similar for the spine):

open, showing the (too-loose) binding.

showing the cardboard covers and general construction:

I'll probably also make a beaded imbedded bookmark. Now I just need to find a way to make the inside all nice and pretty... and, of course, finish it :)

And to end with a random thought, I think I want to go back to light-coloured hair, but I don't know if that's possible now that my hair is very dark.


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January 13, 2008 at 1:20 AM delete

fizz is creepy looking....

January 13, 2008 at 10:47 AM delete

gee thanks :P maybe it's because the way I pinned on his head makes it look like he's got a creepy mouth... maybe?
