3:19 PM 2 Comments A+ a-

Lately I've been crocheting more than knitting. Weird, no? I've done a few granny squares, and I think I'll turn them into an afghan. It's so much quicker than knitting.

Anyway, I found a pattern for a doll, and it was so great I had to make it. (do all my crafting stories begin like this?) I had no skin colour though, so she's green. The pattern is Free Spirit Amigurumi Doll by Beth. I think she'll be a nature spirit/dryad type of thing. Anyway, she still needs eyelids and hair and clothes, and her head needs to be sewed on, but this is she:

And just because, a picture of my eye. I now do not know what colour my eyes are. Blue-green-yellow? I guess that adds up to green, but it's more complex than that. Ah well. (Ignore the wrinkly skin. I think that's just from dryness (I HOPE!))


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May 9, 2010 at 5:16 AM delete

What is the difference between crocheting and knitting again? I can never remember.

The doll and the gloves are both very cute. I somehow picture the doll being finished with dark green hair.

May 9, 2010 at 4:20 PM delete

Hmmm. Knitting uses two needles and there are many live stitches on the needles. Crochet uses a crochet hook and only one stitch is live (the stitch you're adding to). Does that make sense?

I also thought the doll would look good with green hair. I was thinking a browny green though.
