Dragon Sculpture
A while back I sculpted a dragon. This was a lot of work. I spent easily 24 hours on it, and it still isn't the greatest. Apparently it could use a good sanding.I first constructed a very simple wire frame upon which I stuck wadded-up tinfoil. Then I added the polymer clay and sculpted from there. The head I had already sculpted entirely from polymer clay. I got a bit tired of it once I got to the feet so they have very little detail. I think next time I'd make them entirely from clay and not try to sculpt them into clay-wrapped foil.
Perhaps it's not the type of dragon usually seen, but it came out precisely how I draw them, so I was pretty happy with it. It is not finished; I'm in the process of painting it, though I need a bit of help from my husband. He's used to painting 3D objects and I just don't know where to put the shadows and highlights and make them look right.