Castle and Dragon Cross Stitch

9:07 PM 0 Comments A+ a-

Took me a few years, but I finally finished it. It was a pain, with almost all of the stitches being half stitches and blended colours.

Chibi Witches Cross Stitch

9:11 PM 2 Comments A+ a-

This was a cute design I found at a local grocery store. Of Asian origin, obviously.

Guardian Angel XStitch

7:27 PM 2 Comments A+ a-

My mom bought me a beautiful cross stitch to do when I was about 13. I did some of it then, but gave up after I started getting interested in other things. Now I am finally doing it again! Here's what I've done so far:

The original colours were somewhat different. I believe it was changed to blue because it would match my room at the time. Ah well. I still like it. I just need some more gold thread and then I'll be able to finish it.