Christmas Presents

3:23 PM 0 Comments A+ a-

A bit of a late post on this one. Rob and I decided to make toy boxes for our niece and nephew. He constructed them from his own design and I painted them and sewed a cushion for the top. I also made the niece a crocheted koala. They and their families really liked the toy boxes! I don't think we'll do it again though unless we have children of our own. It was a lot of work and took up way too much space in our little basement suite.

Cross-stitch Stockings

3:18 PM 0 Comments A+ a-

I've been working on these for a couple of years now. They're almost finished, just a bit of backstitching to do. Then I can go back to working on my cross-stitched tulips for a change.

Dragon Sculpture

3:12 PM 0 Comments A+ a-

A while back I sculpted a dragon. This was a lot of work. I spent easily 24 hours on it, and it still isn't the greatest. Apparently it could use a good sanding.

I first constructed a very simple wire frame upon which I stuck wadded-up tinfoil. Then I added the polymer clay and sculpted from there. The head I had already sculpted entirely from polymer clay. I got a bit tired of it once I got to the feet so they have very little detail. I think next time I'd make them entirely from clay and not try to sculpt them into clay-wrapped foil.

Perhaps it's not the type of dragon usually seen, but it came out precisely how I draw them, so I was pretty happy with it. It is not finished; I'm in the process of painting it, though I need a bit of help from my husband. He's used to painting 3D objects and I just don't know where to put the shadows and highlights and make them look right.

Socks and more socks.

3:01 PM 0 Comments A+ a-

This year I've decided to make one mystery sock pair per month. So far, so good.

I wasn't too happy with this one. It turned out way too small and I screwed up a bit. Plus, I'm not a big fan of having to work back and forth on socks.

Nice and classy pattern.

Loved these, but I think my contrast was not good enough with the colors. My mom loved them though so I gave them to her.

It's been a while.

2:18 PM 0 Comments A+ a-

I kind of stopped blogging for a while but I think I'll pick it up again, just to show things I've made.

Here's some recent WIP:

This is a scarf that will take a year to make. Each line records the temperature of one day. You can see the warm streak in January by the yellow-greens.

This one is a pattern I'm developing. Some of it will change but I like the results so far.

And finally, a mystery sock pattern titled Eisern. It's my first time doing stranded knitting (properly, anyway).