Soap-making Adventures

3:08 PM 0 Comments A+ a-

I decided to make some soap today. A while ago, I bought some dye and scent to use so I thought now I'd experiment with it. I took a few pictures of what I did:

Weighed out the ingredients. Coconut oil is solid at room temperature. In the background is the measured portion of olive oil.

Ready to combine the two solutions. Oil on left, lye solution on right. They need to be roughly the same temperature when combined. (Lauren will recognize the cup in the background)

In the mold, aka a bread pan. Ta daa.... or not.

The end product looks yucky so far because the dyes and the lye did not go together. So it's kind of a brown mess. And I'm not sure the scent took either. I put quite a bit in, but it didn't really smell that much. So, this is perhaps a failure. I will have a better idea of what happened when I take it out of the mold in a couple of days and cut it.

I like making soap. Soon, I am going to try making detergent for clothes, and conditioning rinses for my hair. Not just because I love making useful things and saving money, but because I want to know what kind of chemicals I'm using for such things. I don't want all these other chemicals that aren't necessarily good for me being all over my skin on a daily basis.